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Stakeholder engagement

D 3.4 Stakeholder engagement findings: Roadmap and final recommendations

This deliverable aims to provide an overview of the most important findings on stakeholder consultation as well as to provide recommendations of participatory formats for stakeholder engagement in regional CCUS projects. Thus, we (a) present the processes and results from the regional stakeholder committee (RSC) workshops as part of the stakeholder engagement activities in STRATEGY CCUS and (b) outline recommendations for stakeholder participation beyond the lifetime of the project based on a synthesis of all stakeholder engagement results in STRATEGY CCUS regarding social acceptance. The focus of this deliverable is on social acceptance but in the RSC workshops, we focus mainly on stakeholders instead as on the public. Key stakeholder act as informants within the region of interest and thus, can play a special role in social acceptance processes.

Final Event - Presentations and attendee list

Presentation slides and attendee list from the STRATEGY CCUS final event in Brussels (14-15 June, 2022)

STRATEGY CCUS final event - Meeting Synthesis, Q&A

A synthesis of the Q&A during the STRATEGY CCUS final event meeting in Brussels (June 14-15, 2022)

Public acceptance of CCUS technologies. A survey study in France and Spain (WP3-Deliverable 3.3)

In this report, based on survey data in four study populations, we assess levels of awareness, attitudes towards and acceptance of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies in the public in Spain and France and in a selected region in each of the two countries (the Ebro Basin and the Rhône Valley). We also identify the key individual‐level determinants of acceptance of both technological options.

Stakeholders’ views on CCUS developments in the studied regions - draft version (D3.2)

This deliverable mapped stakeholders’ views on CCUS technologies in the eight European "promising regions" of the Strategy CCUS project. This has involved identifying relevant actors for a societal discussion around CCUS and conducting interviews with selected representatives in the study regions as well as on the national and EU-level. This forms part of the STRATEGY CCUS project's approach to understanding stakeholder and public attitudes towards CCUS applications. (Image: Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash)

Stakeholder mapping report (WP3-Deliverable 3.1)

This deliverable identified the actor structure for carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS) innovation, with a focus on European, national and regional level stakeholders. The mapping serves as a basis for preparing social acceptance studies as part of the Strategy CCUS project and also inform consortium partners and further deliverables.