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D6.5 Data Management Plan (Final version)

The Data Management Plan provides a summary of data and information on making the data FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable). The document follows the European Commission’s Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020 (version 3.0 from July 26th 2016) and provides information related to the collected data; purpose, utility, accessibility and re-usability.

This version is the final version of the Data Management Plan (DMP).

Stakeholder Engagement Toolbox (initial version) D6.9

This document describes and presents the initial version of the Stakeholder Engagement Toolbox which, together with its final version, forms part of the communications and dissemination work in Work Package M2-6. The toolbox is a set of digital resources that will be developed and tested during a set of regional events and will be available for stakeholder use after the project concludes.