This region includes the port town of Galati, on the Danube river, and its surroundings, and includes 42 major industrial installations
One of Romania’s biggest emitters of CO2 is the Mittal Steel Plant situated in Galati, which produces around 3.9 million tonnes of CO2 a year.
Other major industrial emitters, in the south-east, include: power, chemical fertilisers, aluminium and cement plants, a petroleum refinery and glass production
Depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs within a 100km radius of Galati could be developed as CO2 storage sites as well as deep saline aquifers, on and offshore, in the Black Sea area
The Danube river, the Danube-Black Sea canal and the opening to the Black Sea – where good storage reservoirs have been identified – offer the potential for CO2 transport by shipping combined with pipelines
Analysis of major CO2 emission sources in the southern part of the country concludes that these could be grouped into major or minor clusters for CO2 transport
Captured CO2 could be transported by river to the offshore region for use in enhanced oil recovery operations or for storage in deep saline aquifers
Descarcă broșura proiectului
Image: courtesy of GeoEcoMar