This region includes the Kozani and Ptolemaida industrial areas, which have a large variety of CO2 emitters from small to large scale, including coal/lignite-fired power plants, waste incinerator cement plants and biomass plants
Five power stations account for around 30.5 million tonnes of emitted CO2 each year
There is high CO2 storage potential in the Mesohellenic Trough, a geological basin in north-western Greece. The Pentalofos and Eptahori formations are estimated to have a combined capacity of 728 gigatonnes of CO2
There is already a CO2 capture plant developed in the area and run by CERTH
Image: Geological map and stratigraphic column of Mesohellenic Trough (Brunn, 1956 and Koukouzas et al, 2018)(STRATEGY CCUS kick-off meeting, Orleans, 2019)
Λήψη ενημέρωσης έργου
Image: Geological map and stratigraphic column of Mesohellenic Trough (Brunn, 1956 and Koukouzas et al, 2018)(STRATEGY CCUS kick-off meeting, Orleans, 2019)