This region includes the industrial areas of Katowice, Rybnik and Bedzin
This is Poland’s most industrialised region, with 16 coal mines and 7GW of power generation; there are also metallurgical and coking plants
Smaller CO2 emitters include waste incinerators, biomass plants and coal-based stations for domestic heating
The majority of the region’s CO2 emissions derive from ten large power plants, which are focused around the largest urban areas, mainly in the northern part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin.
Potential CO2 storage sites have already been identified and capacities estimated, and these comprise one aquifer site and three coal seam sites
Deep coal seams could be developed as potential CO2 storage sites once methane reserves have been removed. Three potential research areas have been identified in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin
Image: Cities, infrastructure and points of CO2 emissions in Poland (STRATEGY CCUS kick-off meeting, Orleans, 2019)
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Image: Cities, infrastructure and points of CO2 emissions in Poland (STRATEGY CCUS kick-off meeting, Orleans, 2019)