STRATEGY CCUS comprises six closely interacting work packages (WPs), which aim to provide eight regions in southern and eastern Europe with the tools to deliver CCUS technology and, as a result, significant cuts in carbon emissions.
Our work begins with detailed mapping of the technical potential for CCUS in each of our eight promising regions. We are also conducting a comprehensive mapping of local stakeholders and processes for engaging with them. This will pave the way for developing CCUS deployment scenarios, including assessments of “bankable” geological CO2 storage capacity and economic and environmental evaluation. Ultimately, CCUS development plans will be drawn up in close cooperation withstakeholders via the Regional Stakeholder Committees and the Industry Club.
Three thematic work packages (WP2, WP3 and WP4) will establish key data, methods, workflows and concepts to be applied in the construction of the detailed CCUS plans (WP5). WP6 delivers external communication and dissemination activities with stakeholders in each promising region, the general public and the CCUS community, as well as internal communication between the project partners. WP1 covers project management and quality assurance.
STRATEGY CCUS comprises six closely interacting work packages (WPs), which aim to provide eight regions in southern and eastern Europe with the tools to deliver CCUS technology and, as a result, significant cuts in carbon emissions.
Our work begins with detailed mapping of the technical potential for CCUS in each of our eight promising regions. We are also conducting a comprehensive mapping of local stakeholders and processes for engaging with them. This will pave the way for developing CCUS deployment scenarios, including assessments of “bankable” geological CO2 storage capacity and economic and environmental evaluation. Ultimately, CCUS development plans will be drawn up in close cooperation withstakeholders via the Regional Stakeholder Committees and the Industry Club.
Three thematic work packages (WP2, WP3 and WP4) will establish key data, methods, workflows and concepts to be applied in the construction of the detailed CCUS plans (WP5). WP6 delivers external communication and dissemination activities with stakeholders in each promising region, the general public and the CCUS community, as well as internal communication between the project partners. WP1 covers project management and quality assurance.