This region includes the Le Havre CCS cluster (SET Plan IWG9), the big industrial emitters of Dunkerque and Florange, and a range of small to medium emitters in Paris city and the Orleans’ metropole area.
There are six potential CO2 storage sites in this region: Buntsandstein sandstone; Donnemarie sandstone; Chaunoy sandstone; Boissy sandstone, Dogger carbonates and Rhetian Sandstone
Potential storage capacity in 2009 was estimated at 60-140 million tonnes of CO2
The potential exists to connect CCUS clusters to large North Sea storage sites operated by other countries, such as Norway and the UK
Captured CO2 can be used in existing horticulture projects (CO2SERRE), permanently stored as part of geothermal projects (CO2-DISSOLVED) and combined with renewable energy initiatives for energy storage
(Image: Storage possibilities in the Paris basin (France Nord project, Bader et al., 2014)(STRATEGY CCUS kick-off meeting,Orleans, 2019))
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(Image: Storage possibilities in the Paris basin (France Nord project, Bader et al., 2014)(STRATEGY CCUS kick-off meeting,Orleans, 2019))