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STRATEGY CCUS - Agenda 1st Web General Assembly

Tuesday, 28 April, 2020 - 10:00

Due to the current coronavirus outbreak, the STRATEGY-CCUS General Assembly was held online from 28-30 April 2020. The Assembly is our annual gathering of project partners, external bodies, our Advisory Board and Industry Club. We reviewed progress and findings from the last 12 months and discussed our research focus for the year ahead. It was also an opportunity for open discussion and feedback.

The Assembly was delivered within five timeslots over three days, and featured:

  • A project overview
  • Key results and future focus from each work package
  • Introduction to the Advisory Board
  • Introduction to the Industry Club
  • Regional presentations
  • Feedback and recommendations from external bodies
  • Key dates and actions in 2020

For more information regarding the Assembly and the project, please email info@strategyccus.eu

The STRATEGY CCUS project is an ambitious three-year project funded by the European Union to support the development of low-carbon energy and industry in Southern and Eastern Europe. Work began in May 2019, and the project will run until April 2022.

The project focuses on eight regions identified as promising for CCUS development. We aim to encourage and support initiatives within each region by producing local development plans and business models tailored to industry’s needs.

Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash